With the representatives of Ústav mezinarodních vztahů, we have discussed their findings on veto in the Council.
In a video call with Alexandra Geese, we discussed the election of Greens/EFA Vice-President.
With Saskia Bricmont, we discussed the upcoming election of Greens/EFA Vice-President.
With Alexandra Geese, we discussed ongoing events in the Group.
With Kim van Sparrentak, we have discussed ongoing dossiers in IMCO.
In a video call with Tropic Square representatives, we have discussed Open Source chips.
On behalf of the whole delegation, I thanked Ska Keller for her work as G/EFA Co-President.
With Luděk Niedermayer, we discussed current topics in the European Parliament and their communication in Czech media.
Ska Keller and I had a brief call to discuss her announcement to step down from the position of the Co-President of Greens/EFA.
We exchanged our views on the upcoming work in the Quaestors' college.
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