In a call with MEP Assita Kanko, we discussed topics where we could potentially cooperate, especially cyber security.
In a short call with MEP Alexandra Geese, we discussed the distribution of files in IMCO.
In a brief call with MEP Anna Cavazzini, we discussed distribution of files in IMCO.
With MEP Kim Van Sparrentak, we discussed distribution of files in IMCO.
In a short call with MEP Sven Giegold, we discussed conflict of competences concerning the Digital Markets Act.
In a call with MEP David Cormand, we discussed distribution of files in IMCO.
I called several IMCO WG members to discuss distribution of files in IMCO.
In a short call with MEP Kira Peter-Hansen, I gathered her feedback on an advisor in ECON.
Radim Sršeň and I met to discuss our election program.
With Radim Sršeň, we discussed our common election program.
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