In a meeting with Rasmus Andresen, we discussed cross-committee cooperation on the Digital Markets Act.
In a short call with Dita Charanzová, we discussed voting by roll call during the pandemic.
We had a general update discussion on committees and clusters and other general issues.
Ms Prouzet presented me with EESC's position on the Digital Markets Act.
We discussed our possible future cooperation in the European Parliament and current political situation in Poland.
We had a discussion about IMCO topics over coffee/tea, kindly provided by Anna Cavazzini.
In a call with Kira Peter-Hansen, we discussed cross-committee collaboration on the Digital Markets Act.
I briefed Philippe Lamberts about Ivan Bartoš, so that he feels more comfortable in the meeting.
I had general discussions with several politicians attending the reception.
In a call with David Cormand, we discussed IMCO priorities.
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