In a meeting with MEP Kanko, we discussed cyber security and Artificial Intelligence.
S poslankyněmi Michaelou Šojdrovou a Radkou Maxovou jsme probrali detaily připravované kampaně.
With the Czech Permanent Representation, we discussed topics of the European Council (May 24--25 2021).
Probrali jsme možnosti propagace tématu nastavení providel pro AI v komunitě AI.
preparation for a negotiation meeting with the group
With representatives of the Greens, we discussed our long term cooperation.
We held a meeting to sync on a strategy for our negotiations with the group.
Philippe Lamberts and I briefly discussed the situation in Poland, namely around Polska 2050.
We held a meeting to sync on a strategy for our negotiations with the group.
We discussed our priorities for the Digital Markets Act.
Evidence kontaktů a schůzek Pirátské strany. API je na Používá systém Open Lobby.
Podněty a připomínky pište na pirátském fóru. Kontakt na správce: