We held a meeting to sync on a strategy for our negotiations with the group.
Jordi and I discussed long term cooperation in the group.
Na konferenci jsme s přítomnými diskutovali témata spojená s vnitřním trhem a ochranou spotřebitelů.
We discussed our priorities in the Digital Markets Act.
With Kim van Sparrentak, we discussed two IMCO related topics: progress on the Digital Markets Act and organization of the IMCO WG.
In a short video conference call, we discussed our group's strategy for the upcoming EP discharge report.
In a short call with MEP Rasmus Andresen, we discussed distribution of files in IMCO.
In a short call with MEP Katrin Langensiepen, we discussed distribution of files in IMCO.
In a brief call with MEP Sarah Wiener, we discussed distribution of files in IMCO.
Call with Rasmus Andresen to discuss which files he is interested to work on in IMCO.
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