Meeting with the IWF. We discussed the issue of Child Sexual Abuse Material on-line and how to combat it.
Meeting with MEP Niklas Nienass. We exchanged our views on the Digital Services Act - Improving the functioning of the Single Market.
Meeting with MEP Schwab. We briefly exchanged our views on the INI report on Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters.
Call with MEP Schieder. We briefly exchanged our views on Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters.
We have discussed the report "AI in criminal law and its use by police and judicial authorities in criminal matters".
Tradiční snídaňové setkání českých europoslanců, tentokrát organizované a financované Tomášem Zdechovským. Pozvání přijali zástupci agentury pro evropský globální navigační satelitní systém (GSA), která sídlí v Praze. Dozvěděli jsme se více o fungování agentury, budoucích výzvách, výhodách umístění agentury v Praze a příležitostech pro český průmysl. Po úvodní prezentaci bude následovala diskuze.
Meeting to discuss problems created by abusive patent use, IPR Enforcement Directive and future European Commission plans
Meeting on the creators intergroup. I was approached by the SAA representatives, who introduced their organization and then we briefly discussed the creators intergroup in the European Parliament.
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