We exchanged our views on the Digital Markets Act.
I was asked on behalf of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) representatives to hold an online meeting to discuss latest developments with regards to the Uyghur human rights crisis. Also, the WUC is planning some events and actions in the coming months, which they wanted to inform me about. Moreover, we discussed possible ways of closer cooperation.
Spolu s mým kolegou Mikulášem Peksou jsme byli pozváni panem Kotalwarem, indickým velvyslancem v Praze, na společný oběd, který velvyslanec platil. Účelem neformálního setkání bylo prodiskutovat vzájemné vztahy Indie a EU, společná témata a možnosti spolupráce. Bavili jsme se především o digitalizaci a technologiích, s ohledem na našeho ministra Ivana.
We discussed the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act.
Společně s mými kolegy z delegace Pirátů v Evropském parlamentu jsem se v Bruselu setkala s Markem Havrdou, náměstkem ministra pro evropské záležitosti, Mikuláše Beka. T.č. také člena správní rady institutu Pí, již jsme se tudíž znali. Cílem setkání bylo prodiskutovat nadcházející české předsednictví v Radě EU, připravenost našich institucí a spolupráci s europoslanci na jeho přípravách.
We exchanged our views on future work in the Quaestors' college.
I had a personal meeting with Mr. Giorgi Vashadze in my office in Brussels. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the development of Georgia’s accelerated EU membership procedures. Along with Georgia’s EU integration, Mr. Vashadze wanted to discuss latest Ukrainian news as well.
I had a personal meeting with Mr. Giorgi Kandelaki in my office in Brussels. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the current situation in Georgia, especially given the war of agression in Ukraine, Georgia's stance towards it and its ambitions regarding the candidate status.
I had a courtesy meeting with the newly appointed Head of Mission of Georgia to the European Union, Ambassador of Georgia to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Mr. Vakhtang Makharoblishvili. The Ambassador Mr. Makharoblishvili went accompanied by the Embassy staff Ms. Chumbadze Ketevan and Ms. Diogidze Tamar and we met in person in the EP premises in Brussels. It was an introductory meeting.
We exchanged our views on eID file
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