I participated in a follow-up discussion about Export controls that was based on a paper jointly drafted by Peter Lichtenbaum and Kevin Wolf. (Mr. Lichtenbaum was Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration from 2003 to 2006 under President Bush, while Mr. Wolf served in the same role 2010-2017 under President Obama.) They both first presented the key points in their note, after which we had a round of comments and questions.
Zúčastnila jsem se neformálního online setkání pořádaného MPO s ministrem Havlíčkem, na kterém jsme jako europoslanci diskutovali priority v rámci budoucího českého předsednictví v Radě EU.
I had a meeting in the European parliament with Ms. Maka Botchorishvili, the new Chairperson of the European Integration Committee of Parliament of Georgia after the recent Georgian elections. It was an introductory meeting (in terms of Ms. Botchorishvili's new position) with the aim of presenting our positions and expectations.
I had a Jitsi call with Mr. Joaquín Gil, a journalist from EL PAÍS in cooperation with The Guardian. He wanted to share with me an investigation he an his colleagues made about the use of spyware in some recet cases in Catalonia and he wanted to know my opinion on this matter.
Mr. Redmer requested a call with me to discuss a ban on targeted advertising that the EP voted through in its plenary session in October (Report on the Digital Services Act). He wanted to present me the positive elements of targeted advertising and the negative consequences for the wider digital ecosystem (consumers, publishers and advertisers) of a possible ban.
Na základě publikovaného Evropského akčního plánu pro demokracii jsem měla telefonát s panem Braunem a probrali jsme jeho obsah, záměr i výhled práce Komise.
I was invited as a speaker to an online roundtable discussion on US-EU-Japan cooperation on emerging technologies and national security controls. The purpose of the roundtable was to ensure the US, EU and Japan adopt compatible approaches as they update their export controls and foreign investment screening procedures. The discussion was particularly timely given the incoming Biden Administration, the recent U.S. National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies, the entry into force ofthe EU’s FDI screening mechanism, and the recent political agreement on the EU’s “re-cast” Dual-Use Export Control Regulation. The aim of the discussion was particularly to indentify the procedural and substantive differences among the US, EU and Japan approaches, and to determine steps that can be taken to enhance the effectiveness of the technology control regimes.
I had a call with representatives of European Digital Media Association (EDiMA), the European trade association representing online platforms. The aim of the call was to explain the work of the new Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation, of which I am a member, and to explore potential collaboration and exchange of information on the matter going forward.
I was contacted by Ms. Maka Botchorishvili, one of the main candidates for Georgian Dream in the parliamentary elections in Georgia. We discussed possible scenarios after the elections are concluded and the situation with democracy backsliding in general.
I had a short call with H.E. Mr. Ashot Hovakimian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Czech Republic. Mr. Hovakimian asked me to support three amendments in a report regarding Armenia, concerning the role of Turkey in the conflict over Nagorno-Karbakh. I already supported one of the AMs regardless of this call and after discussion with the rapporteur for Greens, Mr. Butikofer, I didn't do anything about the other AMs (however, they got support).
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