Event to explore the fundamental role that encryption plays in ensuring cybersecurity and users' privacy online. In addition, with focus on how it can be abused by criminals and how it adds another layer of complexity to criminal investigations. Discussions among participants.

přijaté výhody:
poskytnuté výhody:
naši účastníci:
Marcel Kolaja
ostatní účastníci:
Patrick Breyer (PP-DE), Maximilian Schubert (President of EuroISPA), Ceren Ünal (Regional Policy Manager Europe, Internet Society), Birgitta Jónsdóttir (Internet Archive Fellow, Electronic Frontier Foundation), Cathrin Bauer-Bulst (Acting Head of the Cybercrime Unit, European Commission DG HOME), Rasmus Andresen (G/EFA), and other participants
Michaela Hnizdilova
publikováno: 31. 3. 2021 11:45 permalink

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