Ms. Tetiana Zhukova from the Human Rights Centre ZMINA (Ukraine) asked me for a meeting in the EP with a delegation of Ukrainian and Czech civil society representatives, who were visiting Brussels. I met with Ms. Zhukova in Prague earlier that year, so I glady agreed with the meeting now. The aim of the meeting was to speak about the reality of life in the occupied Crimea, the stories of its residents, and the inadmissibility of territorial concessions by Ukraine. During the meeting, we agreed on cooperation on a campaign to write letters to Crimean political prisoners, which happened in February.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
Ms. Tetiana Zhukova (International Advocacy Manager - Human Rights Centre ZMINA, Ukraine), Mr. Andrii Krisko (Head of Board - Crimean Process, Ukraine), Ms. Sabina Ilias (Co-coordinator - Crimea.SOS, Ukraine), Ms. Anastasiya Halavanava (NGO Nesehnuti - member and a former Belarusian activist, CZ)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 3. 3. 2025 21:42 permalink

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