Exchanging views on topics about the latest developments in Taiwan and East Asian region (including the situation in Hong Kong), the EU-Taiwan trade and economic relations, and other issues of mutual concerns.
Discussion between representatives of the European Parliament and the forty European associations within Business Europe.
General discussing with Czech representatives in the European Union.
General discussion on media freedom and challenges related to Česká televize.
Discussion on survey results among entrepreneurs on barriers in the Internal Market and elaboration on respective visions for the future of the Internal Market.
Discussion with Commissioner-designate for the Internal Market on his and Marcel's priorities.
Zástupci Omnipolu pošlou návrhy, jak by český stát mohl podporovat zbrojní průmysl - vychází ze semináře v PSP ČR.
Proběhla obecná debata o politické situaci, obranném rozpočtu, podpoře vědy a výzkumu v oblasti obranného průmyslu. Také proběhla debata o L-39NG.
Working breakfast with consumer organisations on dual quality of products.
Discussion on regulation on tackling the dissemination of terrorist content on-line.
Warm-up party před konferencí OpenAlt. Proběhly neformální diskuze s účastníky konference OpenAlt. Jednalo se zejména o zástupce komunity Open Source.
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