I was invited to the Armenian embassy in Prague to have a personal meeting with the Ambassador H.E. Mr. Ashot Hovakimian. The aim of the meeting was to discuss issues of mutual interest, as well as the recent developments in the region, including the war in Ukraine. We focused mainly on the situation of Armenia, given the Russian troops on its borders, and how the EU perceives them now, after the start of the war, as well as the security of Armenia.
I had a personal meeting with Mr. Ondřej Ditrych in Prague. We discussed cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ÚMV, what it can offer, as well as work of ÚMV in general and controversies surrounding some personnel.
I had a meeting with Mr. Gigi Khojevanishvili (Member of the Georgian Parliament) and other representatives of For Georgia (political party in Georgia) in the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels. I was asked for the meeting in order to hold a conversation around issues of mutual interest, including the situation in the region, the war in Ukraine and Georgia´s EU membership perspective.
I had a meeting with the representatives of Lelo for Georgia (political party in Georgia) in the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels. I was asked for the meeting in order to hold a conversation around issues of mutual interest, including the situation in the region, the war in Ukraine and Georgia´s EU membership perspective.
Last year, I supported the campaign for the celebration of World Down Syndrome Day by becoming a sponsor. This 10th of May I was asked to participate in the #GreatInitiatives in Europe Conference in Brussels, a campaign for the World Down Syndrome Day celebration. I had a meeting in the European Parliament in Brussels with the representatives of Europe for Trisomy 21 to talk about the issues facing people with Down Syndrome and their families in the Czech Republic, and possible steps of the EU institutions in helping the community.
I was contacted by Ms. Nanuka Kruashvili, on behalf of the Georgian Young Lawyer’s Association (GYLA), a non-governmental organization working on the issues of democratic reforms and human rights in Georgia, to have an online meeting with the representatives of GYLA and to discuss the official procedure for acquiring the status of an EU Membership candidate country, which has been officially launched. Other topic was the alarming disinformation among the population and speculation regarding what candidate status means for Georgia caused by pro-Russian propaganda.
I had a personal meeting with Ms. Maka Botchorishvili - the Chairperson of the European Integration Committee of Parliament of Georgia. We met in the premises of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, my Assistant Ms. Kristýna Koubek was also present. We discussed the current political situation in Georgia and the latest ambition of the country to receive the candidate status, as well as disatisfaction of the European Parliament with Georgia's democracy back-sliding.
I was asked by representatives of European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD), an organization which represents a significant part of the Armenian diaspora in Europe, to hold a meeting in order to have an exchange of views on the latest developments in the region. Members of the Armenian National Assembly Mr. Artur Khachatryan and Ms. Kristine Vardanyan were also present, as well as my Assistant Ms. Koubek and the meeting took place in the premises of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
I was asked on behalf of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) representatives to hold an online meeting to discuss latest developments with regards to the Uyghur human rights crisis. Also, the WUC is planning some events and actions in the coming months, which they wanted to inform me about. Moreover, we discussed possible ways of closer cooperation.
Spolu s mým kolegou Mikulášem Peksou jsme byli pozváni panem Kotalwarem, indickým velvyslancem v Praze, na společný oběd, který velvyslanec platil. Účelem neformálního setkání bylo prodiskutovat vzájemné vztahy Indie a EU, společná témata a možnosti spolupráce. Bavili jsme se především o digitalizaci a technologiích, s ohledem na našeho ministra Ivana.
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