Identification number of Apple Inc. in the EU transparency register: 588327811384-96
Identification number of Afore Consulting in the EU transparency register: 03013154889-05
Present: Mikuláš Peksa, David František Wagner, Maija Salvén Haas, Constantine Arvanitis (Afore), Nickolas Reinhardt (Afore)

The main issue of the meeting was centered around Apple Pay as a fringe financial service (not really even an intermediary) and how different requirements of DORA should be applied to this concept.

přijaté výhody:
poskytnuté výhody:
naši účastníci:
David Wagner, Mikuláš Peksa
ostatní účastníci:
Maija Salvén Haas, Constantine Arvanitis (Afore), Nickolas Reinhardt (Afore)
David Wagner
publikováno: 2. 2. 2021 18:45 permalink

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