I was invited as a speaker to an online roundtable discussion on US-EU-Japan cooperation on emerging technologies and national security controls. The purpose of the roundtable was to ensure the US, EU and Japan adopt compatible approaches as they update their export controls and foreign investment screening procedures. The discussion was particularly timely given the incoming Biden Administration, the recent U.S. National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies, the entry into force ofthe EU’s FDI screening mechanism, and the recent political agreement on the EU’s “re-cast” Dual-Use Export Control Regulation. The aim of the discussion was particularly to indentify the procedural and substantive differences among the US, EU and Japan approaches, and to determine steps that can be taken to enhance the effectiveness of the technology control regimes.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Paul Diegel
ostatní účastníci:
Attendees of the conference (private)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 15. 2. 2021 12:45 permalink

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