I was asked by representatives of European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD), an organization which represents a significant part of the Armenian diaspora in Europe, to hold a meeting in order to have an exchange of views on the latest developments in the region. Members of the Armenian National Assembly Mr. Artur Khachatryan and Ms. Kristine Vardanyan were also present, as well as my Assistant Ms. Koubek and the meeting took place in the premises of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Kristýna Koubek
ostatní účastníci:
Mr. Kaspar Karampetian (European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy, EAFJD), Mr. Artur Khachatryan (Member of the Armenian National Assembly; Euronest), Ms. Kristine Vardanyan (Member of the Armenian National Assembly; PPC)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 22. 6. 2022 15:21 permalink

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