Ms. Anouk Wear, Research and Policy Advisor from Hong Kong Watch, approached me with a meeting request. I met Ms. Anouk Wear and her colleague from Hong Kong Watch, Mr. Sam Goodman, in person in my EP office in Brussels. The aim of the meeting was a conversation on the situation of human rights in Hong Kong and an update on the trials, especially in light of the upcoming anniversary of the National Security Law (30 June) and the Handover (1 July). They also wanted to hear my perspectives and to discuss what the European Union and European Parliament can do to support Hongkongers.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
Ms. Anouk Wear and Mr. Sam Goodman (Hong Kong Watch)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 22. 11. 2023 14:12 permalink

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