I called several IMCO WG members to discuss distribution of files in IMCO.
In a short call with MEP Kira Peter-Hansen, I gathered her feedback on an advisor in ECON.
Radim Sršeň and I met to discuss our election program.
With Radim Sršeň, we discussed our common election program.
With Professor Graef (Tilburg University), we discussed several aspects of the Digital Markets Act during our video-call.
In a call with MEP David Cormand, we discussed IMCO priorities.
With doc. Radim Polčák, we discussed the Digital Markets Act.
In a meeting with Jan Míča (Úřad vlády ČR), we discussed the Digital Markets Act.
In a meeting with Roman Pliska and Petr Solský (ÚOHS), we discussed their position on the Digital Markets Act.
We discussed the Digital Markets Act, especially the ex ante principle.
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