Marcel and Kim van Sparrentak (Dutch MEP, Greens/EFA) discussed current matters in the IMCO committee.
Over dinner, Marcel and the representatives had a very general discussion about current topics.
In a brief call, Alexandra Geese and Marcel have discussed our Group's approach to the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act.
In an MEPs + assistants format, Evelyne Gebhardt and Marcel have debated their respective priorities in the Digital Markets Act.
Marcel and Vodafone representatives have discussed how the Union prioritizes digitization, Vodafone's concerns and views on challenges face by the telco sector.
The Digital Services Act, especially Article 7, was discussed.
Marcel organized a traditional breakfast of Czech MEPs, where they informally discussed the upcoming Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union and how MEPs could contribute to a successful presidency. Marcel hosted also the CZ PermRep and government representatives, who joined the debate.
Marcel met with Kim van Sparrentak, Dutch MEP from the Greens/EFA group. They discussed strategy in IMCO Committee on Chat Control.
Over breakfast, together with other Czech MEPs, Marcel has discussed with Minister Bek government's plans for the upcoming Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The meeting and breakfast was organized by Stanislav Polčák.
Marcel exchanged views with the Stiftung on the Chips Act.
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