Společně s mými kolegy z delegace Pirátů v Evropském parlamentu jsem se ve Štrasburku setkala s panem Mikulášem Bekem, ministrem pro evropské záležitosti. Cílem setkání bylo prodiskutovat české předsednictví v Radě EU, s důrazem na výsledky Konference o budoucnosti Evropy a jejich uvádění v praxi.
I had an online meeting with Mr. Pavel Latushka, leading Belarusian oppostion figure. We discussed the current situation in Belarus with regard to human rights, the recent developments in light of the Russian agression on Ukraine and how can I help the Belarusian oppostion.
I had an online meeting with representatives of NGOs International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) and Truth Hounds from Kyiv, Ukraine. I met with Mr. Dmytro Koval (an international lawyer and a Member of IPHR and Truth Hounds’ field documentation team in Ukraine), with Mr. Simon Papuashvili (IPHR’s Programme Director) and with Ms. Maryna Zastavna (IPHR’s Communications and Advocacy Officer). IPHR and Truth Hounds jointly prepare periodic analytical reports presenting evidence of war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Russian Federation during its campaign of military aggression against Ukraine. The aim of the meeting was to deliver updates on IPHR and Truth Hounds’ field findings and recommendations concerning war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine.
I was asked by Mr. Irakli Kavtaradze (former member of the parliament of Georgia from 2004-2012 serving as the First Deputy Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs) to have a meeting with him and Mrs. Sofia Liluashvili (wife of Mr. Nika Gvaramia, the imprisoned Director of Mtavari TV channel in Georgia) and Mrs. Tamta Demurishvili (Mtavari TV lawyer). The aim of the meeting was to discuss the case of the imprisoned Director of Mtavari TV, as well as the backsliding situation in regards to the media freedom in Georgia.
The newly elected federal chairwoman of the German Pirate Party (PPDE), Ms. Anne Herpertz, visited Brussels in order to meet with the Pirate MEPs. It was an introductory informal meeting. We discussed how we can promote in Germany the work of all Pirates in the EP, and also how to campaign against the ChatControl proposal.
I was asked on behalf of the Trade and External Affairs Committee members of AmCham EU for a personal meting in the EP premisses in Strasbourg. The aim of the meeting was to hear about and discuss recent developments in the Trade and Technology Council, we also touched upon the Pegasus spying software, dual-use regulation and upcoming Chips Act and how it correlates with US plans in this regard.
U příležitosti představení priorit předsednictví České republiky v Radě EU na plénu Evropského parlamentu jsem byla pozvána, spolu s ostatními českými europoslanci, na pracovní setkání s předsedou vlády ČR panem Petrem Fialou, které se konalo v Evropském parlamentu ve Štrasburku. Probírali jsme především priority českého předsednictví, já se ptala cíleně na spolupráci s Věrou Jourovou a na dezinformace.
I was asked to hold a personal meeting in the EP premisses in Brussels with Mr. Grigol Gegelia, representative of Lelo for Georgia political party. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the candidate status to Georgia, what is the situation in Georgia and what they can do to help getting the candidate status.
I was asked to hold a personal meeting in the EP premisses in Brussels with Mr. Gela Khvadagiani, Mr. Irakli Pavlenishvili (the founder of the Georgian Movement against Corruption) and Dr. Giuli Alasania (mother of the former president Saakashvili) from Georgia. We discussed the needed reforms to get the candidate status for Georgia, the health situation of the former president Saakashvili and the situation on Georgia's borders in relation to Russia's movements.
I had a personal meeting in the EP premisses in Strasbourg with Mr. Dolkun Isa, an Uyghur politician and activist from the region of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China and the current president of the World Uyghur Congress. The topic of the meeting was the unprecedented collection of new evidence of the Chinese communist regime’s mass internment campaign in Xinjiang which was recently published, the so-called Xinjiang Police files. We also touched upon my participation in the Uyghur Friendship Group.
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Podněty a připomínky pište na pirátském fóru. Kontakt na správce: jan.bednarik@pirati.cz