I was asked by Ms. Marisa Jimenez Martin from Facebook (Director and Deputy Head of EU Affairs) to establish an online meeting because of our work in INGE (disinformation and foreign interference committee) on the final report. She wanted to discuss how Facebook operates to protect the platform from foreign interference, what does with disinformation (and misinformation) specifically and explain Facebook's view and actions in this space. I shared with her the general approach of the INGE committee to the regulation of platforms and my personal views.
I was asked by Ms. Ana Rekhviashvili, Chair of the newly created party People’s Movement Christian Democrats and former Victorious Georgia Secretary for International Relations, to have an online meeting. She wanted to have mostly an introductory meeting and share with me her ideas for a better representation of citizens in politics.
Byla jsem oslovena, spolu s Danem Galuszkou, panem Karlem Höferem z Frank Bold, který nás požádal o online schůzku. Na schůzce nám představil vypracovanou studii na téma efektivní filantropie, konkrétně pak svoboda projevu v online prostoru. Účelem bylo dát nám k dispozici sadu doporučení a projednat naše postoje k uvedeným návrhům. Sdíleli jsme s ním naše postoje, především k boji s dezinformacemi, a obsah daného programového bodu, který jsme tvořili.
Byli jsme pozváni kabinetem paní komisařky Jourové k online debatě na téma DSA (Digital Services Act) / EDAP (European Democracy Action Plan). Zákon o digitálních službách (DSA) i Evropský akční plán pro demokracii (EDAP) jsou v portfoliu paní Jourové, chtěla proto znát náš názor. Konkrétně v oblasti DSA především na proces v EP – očekávané změny a načasování. V EDAP pak na diskusi k dezinformacím, podpoře médií a revizi nařízení o fungování evropských politických stran.
I contacted a few Reddit moderators and met with them, represented mainly by Mr. Holger Fink on behalf of several teams that have raised a GDPR issue with Reddit. The discussion was about targeting european users by Reddit and about their cookie policy. I shared with him some legislative advice and offered to help with medialization in case Reddit continues to break the GDPR rules.
I was contacted by Mr. Vakhtang Menabde, on behalf of the Georgian Young Lawyer’s Association (GYLA), a non-governmental organization working on the issues of democratic reforms and human rights in Georgia, to discuss the recent political crisis in Georgia. We discussed especially the proactive role of the EU in the negotiation process that will hopefully contribute to finding a solution, and the new initiative of President Michel to move from facilitation to mediation.
I had a video-call with Mr. Carl Hartzell - the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia. We discussed the political crisis in Georgia, how he perceives it on the spot and what can we in the European parliament do to support his work.
I was invited to discuss ways to strengthen US, EU/European and Japanese collaboration on emerging technologies and national security, and specifically on the challenge of identifying and assessing those technologies in relation to the security risk they pose. The discussion was organized by The German Marshall Fund and was off the record.
I had a Jitsi call with Ms. Maka Botchorishvili - the Chairperson of the European Integration Committee of Parliament of Georgia. We discussed ongoing political crisis in Georgia and how will the government approach it, especially in terms of negotiation with the opposition.
I had a Jitsi call with Mr. Grigol Gegelia, leader of Lelo for Georgia political party. In the light of the ongoing political crisis, that has already formally resulted in the boycott of the Tenth Convention of the Parliament, with the hope of finding a resolution to the crisis, Mr. Gegelia asked me for an opportunity to discuss a couple of possible alternatives and seek my advice.
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