I had a brief Jitsi call with Mr. Narayan Liu, EU Project Officer - Stand with Hong Kong, a global grassroots organisation facilitating discussion between the Hong Kong pro-democracy groups around the EU and policymakers at both the EU and member state level. Mr. Narayan Liu wanted to discuss Hong Kong, Czechia and the EU and how the latter two can support the Hong Kong activists residing here.
Pan Milan Štefanec mě a další čelní kandidáty do EP požádal o schůzku s obránci lidských práv z Krymu. Setkali jsme se v pražské delegační kanceláři na Karlově nám., zúčastnil se také Mikuláš Peksa a David F. Wagner v pozici kandidátů do EP. Tématem schůzky bylo podání přímého svědectví z okupovaného Krymu, popis situace ohledně politických vězňů a unesených lidí, představení některých konkrétních příběhů a diskuze o tom, co se pro ně dá udělat.
I was asked by the representatives of TikTok for a meeting in the EP in Strasbourg. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the preparedness ahead of the EU elections - they wanted to present me their work to safeguard the election integrity. During the meeting we exchanged some views on TikTok's ownership, Chinese affiliation, the way their algorithms work and where they store data, among other things.
I was contacted with a meeting request by Vahid Aliyev and Zhala Bayramova, human rights activists from Azerbaijan. The meeting was held ahead of the plenary discussion on the urgency resolution "Azerbaijan, notably the repression of civil society and the cases of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu and Ilhamiz Guliyev". Mr. Aliyev and Ms. Bayramova wanted to share with me some points for Dr. Ibadoghlu’s case and overall political situation in Azerbaijan.
I was contacted by the EU Visitors Programme (EUVP) to arrange a meeting with Ms Nino KAMARAULI from Georgia. She is Head of the Sectorial Integration Division, Department of EU Assistance Coordination and Sectorial Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and the Association Agenda, along with Georgia’s sectorial integration with the European Union and alignment with the EU norms and standards.
Pan Milan Zubíček, zástupce Googlu v Bruselu (Google Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager, Brussels), mě požádal o schůzku. Sešli jsme se u mě v kanceláři v EP ve Štrasburku. Tématem schůzky byla problematika genAI, především co se týče moderování obsahu online, boje proti dezinformacím a blížícím se volbám do EP.
I was asked for a meeting with Ms. Vladislava Gubalova, Senior Fellow at the Centre for Global Europe, part of the GLOBSEC Policy Institute. She visited me as the leader of the GLOBSEC’s CEE Her Initiative, which is aiming to amplify the voices of women experts from CEE+ region. She wanted to hear about my experience as a woman in politics, in general, as MEP and as a woman politician coming from the CEE region.
Setkala jsem se s panem Tomášem Petříčkem, bývalým ministrem zahraničních věcí ČR. Setkání proběhlo v pražské restauraci a pan Petříček mi na něm představil svůj projekt vzdělávání o bezpečnostních tématech, kterým se věnuji. Projekt mě zaujal a přislíbila jsem, že jakmile bude spuštěn, ráda přispěji svým know-how či možnostmi návštěv v EP apod.
As a Shadow Rapporteur of the Ukraine’s autonomous trade measures legal proposal, I was asked for a meeting with Mr. Taras Kachka (Deputy Minister of Economy – Trade representative of Ukraine) and his delegation. We exchanged positions on the matter of ATM and I vocalized that I will support the least restrictive compromise for Ukraine.
On behalf of Human Rights Action Unit and in the framework of the Sakharov Fellowship, I was asked for a meeting with Mr. Astghik Karapetyan, their fellow from Armenia. Mr. Karapetyan is an investigative journalist and founder of the "Point 33" NGO dedicated to women's reproductive and labour rights. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the human rights work and the EP's commitment to supporting human rights and democracy in the region.
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