Spolu s ostatními českými europoslanci jsem byla pozvána na pracovní setkání s panem Petrem Pavlem, prezidentem České republiky. Setkání zaštítila stálá představitelka České republiky při EU paní Edita Hrdá a proběhlo v prostorách EP ve Štrasburku. Apelovala jsem na prezidenta Pavla, aby pomáhal s vyvracením dezinformací ve veřejném prostoru, především před volbami.
I was asked for an online meeting by the representatives of Internet Society - a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting an open, globally connected, and secure Internet. The topics of discussion were: Council meeting scheduled on 28 September, during which the Council is expected to adopt its general approach on the Regulation intended to prevent and combat child sexual abuse (CSA Regulation) and our delegation's position; and Global Encryption Day (GED) and my potential support to it.
I was asked for a meeting on behalf of the Reforms and Research group - a network of young researchers and professionals from Georgia working on various critical issues, including democratic elections and Georgia's EU integration. The meeting took place online and the aim of the meeting was to discuss and share views about how to enhance Georgia's path towards EU integration.
I had a personal meeting in the EP premises in Strasbourg with Ms. Maka Botchorishvili (Chair of the European Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia). We discussed the current situation in Georgia and the region in light of the Russian agression on Ukraine and the state of play of Georgia´s EU membership application and fulfillment of the 12 points before they can be granted a candidate status.
I attended a closed doors meeting with Mr. Nika Gvaramia, organized in the EP in Strasbourg for Georgia contact group MEPs. Mr. Gvaramia, a Georgian lawyer, politician and former political prisoner who was pardoned and released from the prison last month, was visiting Strasbourg during that week and was invited also to the EP.
I attended a meeting between invited MEPs and the Moldovan delegation, which was held in person in the EP premises in Brussels. The Moldovan delegation wanted to know more about the diversity of European politics and to understand the principles and values of political groups in the European Parliament. They wanted to know about groups' various opinions, for example, on the future of the European Union and the future role of European institutions. Also, views about European federalism, the deepening of European integration, a common tax system, standard foreign policy or the European army, and EU enlargement, including Ukraine and Moldova.
Ms. Anouk Wear, Research and Policy Advisor from Hong Kong Watch, approached me with a meeting request. I met Ms. Anouk Wear and her colleague from Hong Kong Watch, Mr. Sam Goodman, in person in my EP office in Brussels. The aim of the meeting was a conversation on the situation of human rights in Hong Kong and an update on the trials, especially in light of the upcoming anniversary of the National Security Law (30 June) and the Handover (1 July). They also wanted to hear my perspectives and to discuss what the European Union and European Parliament can do to support Hongkongers.
Pan Hakob Asatryan mě oslovil jménem arménské komunity v České republice, ale také jménem Arménů žijících v Arménii a Artsakhu (Náhorním Karabachu), se žádostí o schůzku. S panem Asatryanem a s několika zástupci arménské komunity jsme se potkali v mé pražské poslanecké kanceláři na Karlově nám., kde proběhla diskuze o prohlubujících se arménsko-evropských a arménsko-českých vztazích. Zároveň mi ale hosté chtěli podrobněji představit současnou humanitární krizi v Artsakhu.
Pan Milan Holeček, koordinátor advokacie ve Wikimedia Česká republika, mě požádal o schůzku za účelem pohovořit o dostupnosti e-knih v evropských knihovnách a rozvoji Open Access v oblasti vědeckých prací, ale také o novinkách a trendech v oblasti svobodného šíření informací a regulace šíření dezinformací. Setkali jsme se v mé kanceláři v budově EP v Bruselu.
I was asked by the Advisory Board to the EC President Ursula von der Leyen to hold an online meeting with Ms. María Luisa Cabral, member of the vdL Cabinet, to exchanage views on the topics of foreign interference and defence of democracy. As an ING2 Committee coordinator, I accepted the meeting, togehter with my assistant Paul Diegel.
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