Profil autora
Nadia Barcalova
přidal kontaktů:

I was asked to meet and discuss the current situation in Belarus with activist and lawyer Ms Lizaveta TRAKHALINA during the plenary session in March. The EU delegation in Belarus nominated her for a study tour of the EU institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg. Ms TRAKHALINA has continuously resided in Minsk since 2020 and wanted to discuss current conditions and developments as well as effects of EU policy on Belarus.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
Ms. Lizaveta Trakhalina (Belarusian activist and lawyer)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:47 permalink

I was asked to hold a personal meeting with the New Zealand Ambassador to the Czech Republic Mr. Craig Hawke and with the Second Secretary Mrs. Constance Kelly. The meeting took place in my office in Prague, Karlovo náměstí, and the aim of the meeting was to discuss New Zealand’s relations with the EU and the Czech Republic with a particular focus on disinformation and cyberthreats. We exchanged information on topics of mutual interest.

přijaté výhody:
Package of chocolate sweets from New Zealand
naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
H.E. Craig Hawke (New Zealand Ambassador to the Czech Republic), Mrs. Constance Kelly (Second Secretary)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:45 permalink

Měla jsem telefonát s Pavlem Havlíčkem z Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky (AMO) ohledně jejich aktivit na podporu běloruské opozice a co plánuje Evropský parlament a delegace Euronestu, jíž jsem místopředsedkyní.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
Pavel Havlíček (AMO)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:43 permalink

I was asked to hold a personal meeting with the Taipei City Councilor Ms. PoYa MIAO. She visited the EP plenary in Strasbourg on invitation of the European Union Visitors Programme (EUVP). She wanted to learn more about how the EU deals with disinformation and the EU's policy instruments for reaching a balance between freedom of expression and defensive democracy. Her goal was also to increase mutual understanding between the EU and Taiwan.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
Taipei City Councilor Ms. PoYa MIAO
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:40 permalink

I was asked by the Secretary of the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee to hold a meeting with some MPs of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan (the National Assembly). We met in person in the EP premises in Strasbourg. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the report on EU-Azerbaijan relations (2021/2231(INI), of which I´m Shadow rapporteur. In the meeting I was very critical towards the renewed fighting and blockade of the Lachin corridor and I made sure to convey that neither that nor human rights abuse in Azerbaijan will go in the report unmentioned.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Kristýna Koubek
ostatní účastníci:
Members of the National Assembly the Republic of Azerbaijan
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:35 permalink

Following the lunch with Julian Assange's wife, Stella Assange, togehter with the MEPs who supported Julian Assange's nomination for the Sakharov Prize, we met with her the same afternoon as Pirate Delegation in the EP. During the meeting we wanted to reassure Mrs. Stella Assange about our support to her husband Julian and we also presented her our open letter, asking to free Assange, who is currently waiting for his extradition to the US.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Marcel Kolaja, Mikuláš Peksa
ostatní účastníci:
Mrs. Stella Assange
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:33 permalink

Following the invitation of the President of the Parliament to Assange's wife, Stella Assange, to attend the ceremony of the Sakharov Prize, the European Parliament organized a lunch on Tuesday 13th of December during the Plenary session, to which I have been invited as one of the 9 MEPs who supported Julian Assange's nomination. The lunch took place in the MEPs restaurant in the EP in Strasbourg, we were invited to it. We were mostly listening to Stella's current doings and Julian's condition.

přijaté výhody:
naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová
ostatní účastníci:
Mrs. Stella Assange + invited MEPs
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 28. 4. 2023 10:32 permalink

I had an online call with Mr. Vignesh Rajahmani (doctoral researcher at King’s India Institute, King’s College London, policy and political consultant) and Mr. Vihang Jumle (data engineer and a public policy student, Hertie School Berlin). Previously, I cooperated with both on a parliamentary briefing on 8th November on disinformation in India. Now, they wanted to follow up regarding any synergies we could explore together to better conceptualize how disinformation is shaping our societies, concretely they wanted to discuss any possible cooperation in tackling disinformation in relevance to the EU. I recommended getting involved in hearings of ING3 working programme, once - if - it is established.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Paul Diegel
ostatní účastníci:
Mr. Vignesh Rajahmani, Mr. Vihang Jumle
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 6. 1. 2023 12:59 permalink

S ohledem na mé zapojení do právě projednávané směrnice o kybernetické bezpečnosti EU institucí, jsem byla kontaktována společností Nemec+Chvatal se sídlem v Bruselu a jménem české společnosti S.ICZ (patřící do skupiny ICZ Group) s žádostí o schůzku. Společnost S.ICZ poskytuje komplexní hardwarové a softwarové služby v oblasti ochrany utajovaných informací, včetně vývoje a výroby bezpečnostních produktů, které mají nejvyšší certifikaci pro členské státy EU a instituce EU i NATO. Zástupci této firmy se se mnou chtěli setkat a prodiskutovat jejich pohled a řešení, které by mohli nabídnout i evropským institucím. Jejich nabídku jsem vyslechla a doporučila jim hovořit i s Marcelem Kolajou, žádné další kroky ale v této věci nebudu podnikat.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Paul Diegel
ostatní účastníci:
Zástupci firem Nemec+Chvatal (Brusel) a S.ICZ (ČR)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 6. 1. 2023 12:57 permalink

I had an online meeting with H.E. Pawel Herczynski, the Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia, together with other colleagues from the EP, shadow-rapporteurs and members of the contact group on Georgia. This was an opportunity to exchange views with Mr. Herczynski ahead of the final vote in plenary of the Annual implementing report on the EU association agreement with Georgia. The Ambassador gave us an overview of the current situation in Georgia, notably concerning progress on the implementation of the 12 priorities identified in the European Commission's opinion.

naši účastníci:
Markéta Gregorová, Kristýna Koubek
ostatní účastníci:
H.E. Pawel Herczynski (Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia), other invited participants (shadow-rapporteurs and members of the contact group on Georgia)
Nadia Barcalova
publikováno: 6. 1. 2023 12:53 permalink

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