Ms. Tetiana Zhukova (International Advocacy Manager, Human Rights Centre ZMINA) asked me for a meeting with representatives of Ukrainian civil society, on the occasion of their visit to Brussels. I accepted and we met in the EP in Brussels. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the current situation in Ukraine.
On behalf of the EP European Union Visitors Programme office I was asked to meet with Mr. Huei Chen, Chief of Staff, Office of R.O.C. (Taiwan) Legislator Chiao-hsin Hsu. Mr. Chen wanted to discuss EU-Taiwan relations and Taiwan-China relations. He was also interested in the EU’s approach to countering disinformation.
I met in my EP office in Strasbourg with Ms. Zhala Bayramova, Azerbaijani Human Rights Lawyer and daughter Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu (Azerbaijani academic and anti-corruption fighter prosecuted by president Aliyev´s regime). She was trying to get her father nominated for the Sakharov prize for his anti-corruption work, and kindly asked me whether it would be possible to help her in that. I gladly accepted and proceeded with the nomination within the Greens/EFA, which Mr. Ibadoghlu eventually got. He was shotrlisted for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, although did not win.
Me and my Assistant Paul Diegel accepted the invitation to a networking event of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). IPAC is a cross-party network bringing together over 250 legislators from 40 countries, seeking to address the challenges posed by authoritarian China. The gathering was an opportunity to meet existing EU members of the network and discuss possible common initiatives in the new mandate.
After our introductory discussion during GLOBSEC Forum 2024 in Prague, I agreed to have a short online call with Mr. Tomáš Kriššák from Gerulata Technologies - tech company aimed to provide tools for fighting disinformation and hostile propaganda. Mr. Kriššák wanted to present me closely the activities of his company and how it helps in the fight against disinformation across Europe.
I was contacted with a meeting request on behalf of the Internet Society, a global non-profit dedicated to promoting an open, globally-connected and secure Internet. Me and my Assistant Paul Diegel met with Mr. David Frautschy Heredia, Senior Director for European Government and Regulatory Affairs, shortly online. Mr. Heredia wanted to discuss their new impact assessment on the harms of client-side scanning, as well as the upcoming Global Encryption Day. I promised to communicate it on social media.
I had a short meeting in my office in Brussels with Ms. Benedetta De Marte, Secretary General of the European Green Party. It was an introductory and informative meeting after my reelection. She also wanted to ask me about my plans for joining the EGP. I declined.
Byla jsem oslovena jménem Think tanku Racionální politiky závislostí, nezávislé organizace se sídlem v Brně, který se zabývá problematikou závislostí z pohledu různých politik. S paní Gherasim jsme se setkaly online a na schůzce mi představila možnosti spolupráce, včetně toho, jak může Think tank přispět k prosazování osvědčených postupů v oblasti regulace návykových látek a duševního zdraví, které již fungují v České republice, na úrovni EU.
Přijala jsem pozvání pana velvyslance Ashota Hovakimiana na Velvyslanectví Arménské republiky v Praze. Jednalo se o zdvořilostní schůzku, probírali jsme ale také současnou situaci v regionu.
Dne 21.10 jsem se krátce sešel s vedoucí právního oddělení MěÚ Blansko JUDr. Mikuláškovou na téma "Náplň práce Výboru pro energetiku". Z mého pohledu předsedy tohoto výboru dochází k porušování této směrnice některými zaměstnanci úřadu, zejména odd. INV.
Na tento problém jsem upozornil na včerejším jednání zastupitelstva, že další případy budu již řešit přes Kontrolní výbor, případně jinými kroky, např. stížnost na MV.
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